Hydrogen to fuel a furnace

Having started by career within the steel industry I was interested to read this article focused on Swedish steel maker ‘Ovako’ and the use of hydrogen gas to fuel reheating furnaces.


I was also interested since I held the thought that hydrogen was abundant in a ‘free’ form yet I am corrected since the article identifies that ,..


“More than 95% of the world’s hydrogen is today derived from natural gas and coal, causing nine to 12 tonnes of CO2emissions for every tonne of H2 produced. Although hydrogen is a clean gas, releasing only water vapour when burned, there is no point replacing the coke, coal or LNG used in steel production with H2 unless that hydrogen is produced from renewable energy (green) or if the CO2emitted in its production is captured and stored (blue).




Eur Ing Dr Robert Brown (Robert) is a Consultant Engineer in the fields Electrical Electronic and Control Engineering. Robert is also an accomplished professional Expert Witness having prepared and presented many court compliant reports and presented oral evidence within the High Court, Crown Courts and County Courts.


For further information please contact Robert via;

Email,…robert.brown@frasergeorge.com   or   robertbrown@robertbrown.uk.com

Tel Land: +44 (0)1777 709175

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