Contract Disputes

Fraser George and Associates Limited have been involved in several cases where the standard of workmanship or the specifications of work duties or entities have caused contractual disagreement between parties.

Notable contract dispute cases in which Fraser George have acted are:-

In the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce – Electrium Sales Limited v Havells (India) Limited

Fraser George acted as Defense Expert in the case Electrium Sales Limited v Havells (India) Limited. Here, Electrium entered into a contract with Havell’s to purchase Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB’s) from Havell’s and distribute such in the UK. The contract stipulated that Electrium would test the MCB’s in accordance with the British Standard, BS EN 60898 – “Circuit breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations”. On distribution of the MCB’s within the market, the MCB’s were proposed to overheat and cause fire ignition, hence the MCB’s were recalled by Electrium who then ensued to attempt to recover their investment and costs from Havell’s. This multi-million pound case, focused on whether the MCB’s had been adequately tested by Electrium, in accordance with IEC 60898 or not.

In the Stockport County Court – Collins Electrical Services v Dowling

Fraser George acted as single joint expert in a dispute between an electrical contractor/installation company and a property developer, to resolve circumstances when the electrical contractor was dismissed part way through the contract of work by the developer for proposed substandard work, for work conducted outside the agreed contract and inefficient time management. A simple case in terms of electrical technology and procedures, yet difficult to determine what work duties were expected and by who and what components were to be supplied. Fraser George noted in this case, the common practice of tradesmen verbally agreeing contracted work duties and supply of equipment, which was unfortunately misconstrued by the developer.

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Our Services

Useful Documents

Useful Documents

Professional Credentials

The supporting documents of Dr. Robert Brown. An expert witness in the fields of electrical, electronic and control engineering. A renowned expert in the operation and design of electrical fuses, circuit breakers and other electrical fault protection systems, specialising in how these devices operate in domestic and industrial systems.

 View Our Litigation Specialisms

 View Our Case History

 View Our Notable Cases

White Papers and Reference Material

Documents for aid legal and insurance professionals, engineers, and individuals with the intent to help understanding of electrical matters most commonly the focus of disputes, i.e. electrical shock, electrocutions, electrical fires, poor electrical working practices and the like.

 Electrical Certificates and Electrical Regulations for Legal and Insurance Professionals

 Electrical Shocks for Legal and Insurance Professionals

 Electrical Fires – Harmonics in Electrical Systems
