Insurance Claim Evaluation

Insurance Claim Evaluation and Causation

Fraser George and Associates Limited have on numerous occasions been commissioned by insurance companies to investigate circumstances and determine the route cause of damage to property and equipment for loss compensation purposes.

Notable insurance claim investigations in which Fraser George have acted are:-

For Greenwoods Solicitors acting on behalf of Liverpool Victoria Insurance Company

As prosecution expert, assigned by Liverpool Victoria Insurance Company to aid the recovering of losses for damage caused by a fire, with the aim to identify the source of the fire within a domestic electrical wiring system. The causation of the fire was proposed by the Defending party, by the installation of a faulty circuit breaker, which was subject of a product recall notice issued by its manufacturers. However, with sound reasoning and with reference to hard historical evidence obtained from the fire, it was suggested on the balance of probabilities, that the fire had actually started due to the installation of electrical cables of insufficient size and therefore energy carrying capacity, the cables duly overheating and igniting the fire.

In the Brighton County Court
 – Robinson, Johnson and Johnson v Southern Water Services PLC.

As defense expert acting on behalf of Southern Water Services PLC, where a standby pumping station located on the south coast, ‘failed’ during a period of heavy rainfall. Consequently, a claim was brought against the water company by a leading insurance company attempting to recover losses for damage caused by raw sewage, which found its way into properties in the area of the pumping station. Using historical physical evidence and statements gained from questioning of eyewitnesses, it was suggested on the balance of probabilities, that the causation of the failure of the pumping station was due to a poor electrical connection of a cable supplying electrical power to an electrical motor.

For information of this service please contact Fraser George at

Our Services

Useful Documents

Useful Documents

Professional Credentials

The supporting documents of Dr. Robert Brown. An expert witness in the fields of electrical, electronic and control engineering. A renowned expert in the operation and design of electrical fuses, circuit breakers and other electrical fault protection systems, specialising in how these devices operate in domestic and industrial systems.

 View Our Litigation Specialisms

 View Our Case History

 View Our Notable Cases

White Papers and Reference Material

Documents for aid legal and insurance professionals, engineers, and individuals with the intent to help understanding of electrical matters most commonly the focus of disputes, i.e. electrical shock, electrocutions, electrical fires, poor electrical working practices and the like.

 Electrical Certificates and Electrical Regulations for Legal and Insurance Professionals

 Electrical Shocks for Legal and Insurance Professionals

 Electrical Fires – Harmonics in Electrical Systems
