Consultant Engineer

Dr Brown is an acclaimed expert in the operation and design of electrical fuses, circuit breakers and other electrical fault protection systems. He also has extensive experience in the operation, design, manufacture and testing of electrical and electronic control systems for domestic and industrial environments.

Robert, as he likes to called, continues to work as a consultant engineer and researcher whilst building up the second theme to his career, undertaking expert legal work. Robert currently consults in the fields of electrical, electronics and control engineer, designing, building and monitoring innovative process control and production planning solutions to help drive operational efficiencies within manufacturing industry.

Robert’s focus is within continuous and batch processing sectors, providing innovative and valued contract support to R&D, concept design and product research teams, by analysing products and markets, defining needs, evaluating commercial viability and developing fully costed options and strategies.

Robert is current working as a consultant with Puma Electronics LLP in the development of wireless electrical energy monitoring system with remote Internet access. Further, Robert is also presently consultant electrical engineer with Iceotope Limited helping in the development, manufacture and distribution of specialised liquid cooled computer servers.

For information of this service please contact Fraser George at

Our Services

Useful Documents

Useful Documents

Professional Credentials

The supporting documents of Dr. Robert Brown. An expert witness in the fields of electrical, electronic and control engineering. A renowned expert in the operation and design of electrical fuses, circuit breakers and other electrical fault protection systems, specialising in how these devices operate in domestic and industrial systems.

 View Our Litigation Specialisms

 View Our Case History

 View Our Notable Cases

White Papers and Reference Material

Documents for aid legal and insurance professionals, engineers, and individuals with the intent to help understanding of electrical matters most commonly the focus of disputes, i.e. electrical shock, electrocutions, electrical fires, poor electrical working practices and the like.

 Electrical Certificates and Electrical Regulations for Legal and Insurance Professionals

 Electrical Shocks for Legal and Insurance Professionals

 Electrical Fires – Harmonics in Electrical Systems
