Intellectual Property Disputes

Developments of products, processes or methodologies are safe guarded by companies and individuals, through patent and non-disclosure agreements. However, some companies call foul of others when similarities of products, processes or methodologies are discovered which jeopardises market share, revenue income and company existence. Fraser George and Associates Limited have acted in cases where the ownership of Intellectual Property is the core argument, yet with briefs to study technologies and where possible to differentiate between similar technologies to negate legal action.

Notable intellectual property disputes include:-

In the High Court of Justice, Queens Bench Division, Technology and Construction Court, 
 Weatherford v Hydropath (Clearwell), and Hydropath (Clearwell) v Messurs Lauretti and Clarke

As Defense expert representing Messurs Lauretti and Clarke, who were purported by Hydropath (Clearwell) as using patented technology in the development and ensuing commercialization of a product with the function to reduce mineral deposition in crude oil pipe lines. Fraser George was briefed to study two mineral deposition reduction technologies, both based on magnetic field injection in oil pipelines and to clearly and succinctly differentiate the technologies, if so found, to report such to the court. Mr Justice Akenhead finding in favour of Messurs Lauretti and Clarke remarked…
In contradistinction, I found Dr Brown (Fraser George), both in his report and in his oral evidence to be helpful and lucid and logical. In effect his conclusion was that there was nothing in the circuit diagrams which could or should give rise to an inference that they were copied from those upon which the Clearwell Product was based”.

Our Services

Useful Documents

Useful Documents

Professional Credentials

The supporting documents of Dr. Robert Brown. An expert witness in the fields of electrical, electronic and control engineering. A renowned expert in the operation and design of electrical fuses, circuit breakers and other electrical fault protection systems, specialising in how these devices operate in domestic and industrial systems.

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White Papers and Reference Material

Documents for aid legal and insurance professionals, engineers, and individuals with the intent to help understanding of electrical matters most commonly the focus of disputes, i.e. electrical shock, electrocutions, electrical fires, poor electrical working practices and the like.

 Electrical Certificates and Electrical Regulations for Legal and Insurance Professionals

 Electrical Shocks for Legal and Insurance Professionals

 Electrical Fires – Harmonics in Electrical Systems
